Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Jeff Swann
2024-05-20 01:58:30
in reply to nevent1q…sptg

Jeff Swann on Nostr: I think it's the idea that there is some creator that created life in some way that ...

I think it's the idea that there is some creator that created life in some way that violates all the rules of existence that really makes no sense. The wildly unlikely events that accomplish amazing things is how God appears to work in the here & now. How likely is it for some anonymous guy to create a new monetary protocol that solves all of our problems without taking any credit for it?

Highly unlikely things are at least plausibly possible, magical ressurections & people made from dirt & ribs are not possible. It's just magical thinking in an effort to wave away all the complexity of life. Make the stories real, take the magic out of them, & they become much more meanigful & they make a lot more sense.

Is it more meaningful for Superman to take a bullet for you, or for your dad? The more you deify Jesus the less meaningful the story becomes. But of course kings & normies all want him deified, because kings don't want normies to believe they can stand up to authority & change things, & normies don't want the responsibility or burden of having to stand against authorities for what is right. "Yes but he was God, who are you?" "Yes but he was God, who am I?" And obviously when we hold people up for doing great things they just naturally tend to become larger than life.
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