Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-08 05:58:05
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Tortuga on Nostr: If you qualify for FHA with a 3.5% deposit on a 500k loan at 2.5% interest, there are ...

If you qualify for FHA with a 3.5% deposit on a 500k loan at 2.5% interest, there are a lot of assumptions to to make about HOA fees, property taxes, PMI, existing debt levels. I made assumptions of 2700/y in property tax’s and 2400/y insurance and mortgage insurance of .8% and no existing debt, suggesting you make ~90k/year and will be paying just about 28k/year on the mortgage.

After taxes, and mortgage you should have somewhere around 2500/month left over. Buy your food, and other stuff like phone or utilities and you probably have about 1000-1500$ left over each month.

Save in bitcoin.

I think this scenario is totally unrealistic. If you’re making 90k per year as a single male, have only saved 17,500 dollars, and are deciding between buying a house or buying bitcoin with your ENTIRE savings, you possibly could have recently acquired a very secure position and are looking to leverage that job security ASAP but most likely have been spending too much. If it’s the former, you could decide to buy the bitcoin now and then proceed to buy the house in one year, or vice versa. If it’s the latter, you most likely can’t budget properly to afford the house or the bitcoin anyways.
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