Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 13:58:42

vinney on Nostr: If anyone has thoughts/disagreements about this I'd like to discuss it more with ...

If anyone has thoughts/disagreements about this I'd like to discuss it more with someone. It's not gonna be her because she muted me yesterday.

What do you mean by "greed"?
My hypothesis is that that term doesn't mean what you think it means in a truly free market. Or more directly: it doesn't exist.

Any profit you are able to generate in a free market is the result of providing value to someone else. If I take two $5 resources and combine them, via some process of effort and invention of my own, into a good that I sell for $15, then the person who bought that good freely decided that whatever new property I imbued into the $10 raw goods was worth at least $5 to him. It improved his life at least "five dollar's worth". He would trade five dollars worth of his own claims on resources to me. He wants this thing _today_ more than five dollars worth of other competing things in the future.

More simply: Profits earned without aggression or State favoritism represent value added to society.
So I've made $5. As money, that represents a claim on resources. One that was legitimately passed to me from the prior holder. I may choose to turn that $5 in for consumable today (maybe I buy cabbage from a farmer), or to hold it and defer my consumption until later.

Where does "greed" factor in? Say I sell **A LOT** of $15 goods, and **MANY** people buy them, each of whom determines that my product improves their life. As the transactions are voluntary, my success can only mean I am on net adding value to society.
Is that greed? Is too much success, adding too much value to society, greed?

Is saving for too long - deferring my consumption - greed?

_WHAT_ is "greed"? Surely you don't mean "creating and or selling goods and services through a free market whereby those whose lives are improved by trading with you enrich you accordingly"? That's "acting in one's own interest" but one's own interest can only be improved by creating value for others. Where does "greed" hide in this definition?

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