Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-26 18:45:41
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cloud fodder on Nostr: I applaud this effort. I am curious if you will also do something with certificate ...

I applaud this effort. I am curious if you will also do something with certificate issuance, nostr will need to become a 'certificate authority' as well. Or use ws:// and http:// instead of wss:// and https://

It is theoretically possible to have certificates for an IP address signed by a certificate authority but let's encrypt doesn't support it.

The other option I suppose is have clients able to accept and store the certificate for that IP one time only.

The problem with ws:// is that it's easy to man-in-the-middle, so even though nostr uses sigs it still needs encryption on the connection. Eg. on TOR or vpn you gonna get manipulated pretty hard without encryption.
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