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2024-06-08 09:12:05

Essencial on Nostr: Same with my parents. 50+ years married...and happy, active, healthy and in love! ...

Same with my parents. 50+ years married...and happy, active, healthy and in love! It's a truly blessing witnessing such a beautiful relationship and being able to learn from it. Relationship is never easy...it's always about re-deciding and re-electing to keep walking the path together.
I am grateful having this example in my life and being able to live a healthy relationship as well since over 25 years 🙏🏽💜
My parents have been married for 60 years today. When I saw them last week, they were out in the yard together laughing and joking with each other. I had one of those moments where I saw the span of their lives together and the adventures they have had, in a flashing moment. They still live God, still love each other, and to this day laugh, and think outside the box.
Some people inherent wealth in the form of money. I have inherited the wealth of being raised by parents who loved each other openly, and us, every day. And I saw how they did it. The choices they made. Sometimes purely by choice and will. But they always did it. It’s a legacy I find more valuable than diamonds.
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