Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-25 16:12:13

Daniel Wigton on Nostr: Price's law states that half your output will be generated by the square root of your ...

Price's law states that half your output will be generated by the square root of your total workers. I follow 40 accounts. I would expect half the notes in my feed to come from 6 accounts. Instead 70% are from 1 account. Do I need to encourage everyone else to post more or does need an intervention?

I kid of course, she does have interesting things to say, but it makes me reflect on how I post. I generally only respond. It isn't because I don't think about things, I do constantly, but it never crosses my mind to post what I am thinking unless it is already a topic of discussion.

I am grateful for accounts that break the ice on topics that I have thought deeply on but never considered sharing unprompted. How do people make the decision what to impose on their followers? Presumably people follow me to hear what I have to say, but I rarely consider my take worthy of the cold open of a top-level note.
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