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2023-08-20 10:09:03

Mysth on Nostr: The August 2023 Twitter experience : -“For you” feed is high noise, low signal ...

The August 2023 Twitter experience :

-“For you” feed is high noise, low signal experience intended to manipulate your feelings to you think in a certain way.
-“Following” feed now has Ads every other post, posted through blue checked shills advertising pure scams (NFTs/shitcoins/drop shipped crap).
-Every semi-interesting post has replies filled by ultra low value posts from blue checked shills farming engagement/views to get their $100 wire.

Until a few weeks ago I could still curate a “following” feed with interesting people / high signal posts, but these days are clearly over.

It’s a shame because I’d say 80% of the people I follow on Twitter aren’t on nostr (or they’re here but not active).

I hope we can get more “famous” people like and others using nostr as their “genuine” social media platform so we can get more traction and go for a snowball effect, so we can finally ditch the panopticon Twitter has become.
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