Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Jeff Swann
2024-05-19 18:29:36
in reply to nevent1q…n8ja

Jeff Swann on Nostr: We naturally hold something up as "most important," if I were say we should worship ...

We naturally hold something up as "most important," if I were say we should worship God or truth & reality, all I mean is that we should recognize that being grounded in what is real & true is most important. It's important for accomplishing our own desires & for having some way to ensure that the relationships we build are stable & sustainable rather than just some form of service to someone's delusions.

Otherwise I don't think there is anything I have said to suggest we have to worship some persona. I don't believe I have ever claimed God has any sort of persona at all. Maybe get out of what you think I believe & reread what I said...?

Claiming there is no such thing as good & evil is going to be an extremely difficult position to defend. Are you the sort who thinks it's okay to fuck kids so long as you're nice about it & you convince them they want it? That is actually how most pedophiles operate. If you don't believe kid fucking is okay, then why not?

If you really don't think evil exists I would suggest that you read Gulag Archipelago (abridged is better organized & easier to follow). Atlas Shrugged is also a decent illustration of the divide between good & evil.

Good & evil or right & wrong exist within the context of a goal. And all of life is biologically programmed to want to live & to seek better conditions. In a general sense, "good" is what allows people to survive & prosper & improve their own lives. "Evil" is destructive to those ends.
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