Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-02-23 20:13:06
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Jason Hodlers on Nostr: It looks like it. Good thing Satoshi isn't the sole runner of Bitcoin's protocol. I ...

It looks like it. Good thing Satoshi isn't the sole runner of Bitcoin's protocol. I run Bitcoin, because I run a node. If you run one too, then you also run Bitcoin. And if Satoshi is out there somewhere, and running a node, then he runs it, too. But like all the rest of us, he must follow the consensus rules, or else fork off of the network.

Satoshi also believed that Bitcoin would scale with a couple huge server-farm nodes running the protocol, mining, and keeping a copy of the whole timechain, while everyone else would just keep a copy of the most recent blocks. He didn't see thatakind if centralization as a problem, so he was wrong about that, too.

Bitcoin isn't a Satoshi cult. Satoshi can be wrong, we can point it out, and it's not sacrilege. Satoshi was smart, and we owe him our gratitude for putting the pieces together that were created by Adam Back, Nick Szabo, and others, but he is not God.
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