Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-18 02:05:46
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L0la L33tz on Nostr: Im not sure I understand your argument re cjs, is it that CISA makes batching in ...

Im not sure I understand your argument re cjs, is it that CISA makes batching in general cheaper with cjs being a byproduct, meaning that private txs would have no economic benefit over batched txs and, assuming cjs will continue to be centrally coordinated in a fee model, cj txs continue to be less economically favorable to non-cj txs even with CISA?

If I understand this correctly I agree that CISA doesn't technically address your OP. Practically I think I disagree if we assume that the tx gets cheaper the bigger it gets with full aggregation – reaching sizes of 400+ inputs will likely mostly be unachievable for single signers, so i think cjs practically would have an economic benefit over non-private txs excluding fees (at least until there is non-private CISA collaboration).

Do you have any proposals in mind that would explicitly make privacy cheaper than non-privacy?
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