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2024-06-23 05:09:06

Jason Hodlers on Nostr: I loved this talk so much! I shared it with my kids (the older ones, anyhow), but I ...

I loved this talk so much! I shared it with my kids (the older ones, anyhow), but I think we'll watch it together tomorrow.

I was thinking about it earlier this evening, actually, while looking at my beautiful baby boy, Gabriel:

See that simple purity? That beauty? Yes, he has the face he was born with, but this goes to show that purity is beautiful. And yes, it will save the world.
“Beauty will save the world”

Dostoevsky first said this in his book “The Idiot”.

Solzhenitsyn named his Nobel speech by the same quote.

Many years later, I drew inspiration from both, along with Nietzsche, Aristotle, Hoppe, Orwell & many other greats, to give a talk by the same name.

Thanks to for having me once more this year.

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