Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 14:13:38
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Tortuga on Nostr: One step at a time, bitcoin marches onward. Now the question becomes how long before ...

One step at a time, bitcoin marches onward.

Now the question becomes how long before the retirement account purveyors decide to add a #bitcoin allotment to the “volatile” or “high risk higher return” check box for those biweekly auto deposits, and at what percentage is that allotment?

Does the silverback make the move first and allow the smaller clients to test the waters, or does some upstart competitor make the move and start to show better performance and take some market share to force the old timers hand?

When do employers start advertising to prospective employers that their retirement plan outperforms some other competitor company looking at the same talent pool?

The train is picking up steam, it doesn’t make many stops, the faster it goes the harder it becomes to hop on and hold on.

The educated Individuals and self managers have the opportunity to hold their own keys or migrate to these new etfs, but the real momentum comes when then uneducated masses have their employer make the choice for them. Then some plebs money just gets DCA’d every two weeks, for forty years, without them ever even thinking about it.
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