Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-21 23:09:14
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vinney on Nostr: Maybe I've just suffered brain damage from being convinced by this model for the past ...

Maybe I've just suffered brain damage from being convinced by this model for the past two years, but I literally cannot see any other way to do it that makes any sense.

Once you banish the idea of `global` or `objective` from your head, everything becomes clear. It might just be a fact that "onboarding" in a decentralized network is going to be fundamentally different (call it "worse") than with centralized "networks". We should be careful in comparing decentralized onboarding solutions to their centralized cousins - it's apples and oranges.

And this might be a wonderful thing. If I'm joining a highly-personal and localized network (maybe it's a little mini app for a local club that is built on nostr), it _should_ feel quiet and intimate. Maybe _all_ software and social networking applications should feel like that. It might be that the thirst for "wide reach" and "global discovery" are exactly the agents that poison the well.
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