Why Nostr?What is Njump?
TheSameCat /
2024-05-16 03:21:40
in reply to nevent1q…kvt8

TheSameCat on Nostr: Entire sections of my family and friends think it’s retarded that we send half ...

Entire sections of my family and friends think it’s retarded that we send half pennies to one another. I’ve been told “How is that different from just clicking like?”

Effectively, it isn’t.

Honestly the way we all used to swarm zap random waitresses and bartenders that someone talked into signing up for WoS was probably more effective at orange pilling someone because it added up to something substantial.

Pushing new users to feel like they need to sign up for zaps right off the rip, before they have had a chance to learn about BTC may be a mistake, and may contribute to the “crypto project” status Nostr has in some circles. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on new users finding people to follow and pick relays? Isn’t that enough to contend with?

Just thinking out loud.
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