Why Nostr?What is Njump?
BenGunn / The Ben Gunn
2024-05-05 17:41:26

BenGunn on Nostr: Ethics and time preference are linked. No-one is making the link. On the one hand, we ...

Ethics and time preference are linked. No-one is making the link.

On the one hand, we have satan's statement above the doors of Dante's hell, explaining that before sin, nothing existed but the eternal.

Which is say, before sin - time did not exist. Time is our burden for being sinful.

And then we learn from austrian economics that long term decisions are preferable to short term ones. Dont eat a ready meal - grow a food garden, etc.

To the degree our decisions are indifferent to time, I believe we become godly. That is why ethics as a subject, search for rules to confirm to absolute truth.

We become God, when we act without preference to time.
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