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2024-06-22 01:55:27

Fernando on Nostr: As a parent who homeschools his seven-year-old, I have often wonder if we are doing ...

As a parent who homeschools his seven-year-old, I have often wonder if we are doing enough for my son. Are we providing him with the correct information at the right time to help his brain grow and understand the world? When we leave this place, I want him to handle himself, survive, thrive, produce grand things, and, most importantly, find happiness.

One common concern about homeschooling is socialization. If you ever met my son, you would know this is not an issue. He’s outspoken, knowledgeable about many subjects, and has much to say to everyone. While he can be socially awkward at times, he’s also a wild human living in a suburb of Chicago. He conforms to certain social norms, but not all of them.

We expose him to social environments with kids around his age, such as:
- "Get Your Game On" at the local library on the second and fourth Fridays every month, where he plays video games with kids and preteens.
- Gymnastics with the Sokol group.
- Trips to the zoo, museums, and nature centers.
- Time with his cousins and playdates
- We're also considering joining the local Boy Scouts, where I learned many skills and made great memories.

A proud moment happened at today’s "Get Your Game On" at the library. We walked into the basement hallway, where two rooms of kids were waiting for the games to start. A group of three boys, around 12 years old, saw my son, stood up, and walked over. One said, “I love this kid; he's so funny!” They asked how he’d been and what he was doing over the summer break as they walked into the room chatting.

#proofofwork #homeschool #prouddad
Author Public Key