Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mleku / mleku™️
2024-05-08 12:02:22
in reply to nevent1q…uz0j

mleku on Nostr: yeah, i have been following Suspicious Observers (formerly spaceweathernews) and the ...

yeah, i have been following Suspicious Observers (formerly spaceweathernews) and the stuff he's been digging up about geomagnetism and stardust and radiation being the primary drivers lately has been fascinating

the disaster cycle is definitely a thing and it shows that the ancient hindus had been told of this stuff a long time ago, they called them Yugas and specifically name ~25000 years as being a grand cycle, which has 4 phases... and the ancient hindu texts say that a conjunction of jupiter, moon and sun in the last 1/3rd of the sign of cancer 25 june next year is the end of an age according to the ancients

so, there is a lot more going on and i think that as the time comes closer to hand more and more is going to come together and make it obvious that the old prophecies were made by people with such advanced science that they could pinpoint such events to precision

yes, SO also he has been talking lately about how the magnetic fields of the solar system have massive impacts on how energy can flow around our planet so there's that one too
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