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BTCtoOblivion on Nostr: 1/10: Understanding #Bitcoin Spam in 2023 1/ In February 2023, the #Bitcoin network ...

1/10: Understanding #Bitcoin Spam in 2023
1/ In February 2023, the #Bitcoin network experienced an unusual spike in non-payment transactions. This wasn't like the typical increase during bull runs. It was something different, something that raised many eyebrows in the #Bitcoin community.

2/10: Spam's Identity Crisis
2/ What exactly is 'spam' on #Bitcoin ? It's not about unwanted emails. Here, spam refers to transactions that flood the network, serving no financial purpose. These transactions take up space and resources, like a bunch of junk emails clogging your inbox, but for Bitcoin.

3/10: The Real Cost of Spam
3/ Why worry about spam? It's not just annoying; it's costly. When the network gets spammed, it gets slower and more expensive to use. Each spammy transaction takes up room that could be used for legitimate financial transactions, driving up fees.

4/10: Not Just a Glitch, A Strategy
4/ February 2023 wasn't a glitch; it was a strategy. Some people or groups deliberately spammed #Bitcoin to disrupt its smooth functioning. This could be for various reasons, like trying to prove a point or attacking the network's efficiency.

5/10: Debunking Spam Myths
5/ Some say, "It's not spam if it's a transaction on #Bitcoin !" But that's like saying it's not littering if it's on public property. Misusing the network's capabilities for non-financial purposes is like littering the digital public space of #Bitcoin .

6/10: The History Lesson
6/ This isn't new. #Bitcoin has faced spam attacks before. Each time, it's about people testing #Bitcoin's limits or trying to prove a point, often at the expense of regular users. It's a battle of principles versus practical use.

7/10: Feeling the Burn
7/ During these spam events, regular users feel the burn. Transactions get stuck, fees climb, and the #Bitcoin experience becomes less smooth. It's like being in a traffic jam caused by a few drivers intentionally blocking the road.

8/10: #Bitcoin's Defense Mechanism
8/ How does #Bitcoin deal with this? Through policy (not consensus) and network defenses. Think of it as having traffic rules and police to manage road use. #Bitcoin needs rules to keep the network efficient and fair for all.

9/10: User's Role in Fighting Spam
9/ It's not just up to #Bitcoin's protocol to fight spam. Users play a role too. Being aware and not participating in non-financial transactions helps. Think before you transact: "Is this necessary, or is it just adding to the clutter?"

10/10: Looking Forward
10/ The future of #Bitcoin depends on balancing freedom with responsibility. Spam attacks test this balance. By understanding and respecting the network's purpose, the #Bitcoin community can ensure its strength and efficiency for years to come.

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