Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 21:11:55
in reply to

vinney on Nostr: Where did I say religion addled your brain? "Addled" has a negative charge. Wouldn't ...

Where did I say religion addled your brain?

"Addled" has a negative charge. Wouldn't you agree that someone with strong religious beliefs has different worldviews when it comes to all sorts of topics than those without any religious belief? (It wouldn't be much of a belief if it didn't change your mind, right?)

You don't have to use the derogatory term "addled". I am indeed curious where your worldview and mine diverge, and when that divergence stems from our differing metaphysical beliefs. That's not an insulting or trolly disposition is it?

For instance, I asked what you consider the term "greed" to mean, elsewhere in the threads. I'd wager we have different ideas there due to our belief systems. There was nothing rude or baiting or inciteful about that question.
Of course it's your prerogative if you choose to answer or simply ignore the question. But calling me an asshole, muting me and then chalking it all up to "me thinking you're insane because you believe in god" is quite the different tack than merely choosing not to answer...
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