Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-24 01:11:05
in reply to

Han Shan on Nostr: ...

The monero community absolutely DOES NOT say that "supply soundness is a necessary tradeoff for CTs."
Because that isn't true.

Whst they say is "we offload supply soundness guarantees to the correctness of proof and signature constructions."

I just spend an hour or two providing you with information about the proofs and why it is *equally reasonable to trust them* as it is to trust the ECDSA proofs YOU ARE ALREADY TRUSTING.
In other words, I made effort to actually provide educational material and critical thinking about the issue.

But your willful ignorance is too much for me and you can have fun waving your maxi flag with a little spittle running down your chin.
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