Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-02-07 01:52:29
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Jason Hodlers on Nostr: I had this *exact* moment with my now-9-year-old daughter when she was 7, and we ...

I had this *exact* moment with my now-9-year-old daughter when she was 7, and we first read the Tuttle Twins books together.

I was like: "The proper role of any government is to protect your life, your liberty, and your property. But is our government protecting our lives?"

Her: "No, they're forcing people to get vaccinated."

Me: "Are they protecting our liberty?"

Her: "No, they're *forcing* people to do things like get vaccinated, but also to stay inside, and stuff like that."

Me: "Are they protecting our property?"

Her: "No, they take people's stuff all the time! Especially with taxes!"

Me: "So what's our government good for?"

Her: "Nothing at all. It needs to die."

Me: [visible happiness]
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