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2024-06-26 19:58:57

L0la L33tz on Nostr: Lots of posts going around that Wikileaks has deleted the DNC Email leak as part of ...

Lots of posts going around that Wikileaks has deleted the DNC Email leak as part of Assange's plea deal.

This is incorrect information. 👇

It is being reported due to a lack of context of the Saipan hearing published by the Australian newspaper The Age.

The Age's live report states that "The court hears the US lawyers are satisfied that Assange has undertaken a requirement to have WikiLeaks destroy the classified information."

This statement only pertains to unpublished classified information as well as to the extent it is in the control of Assange to evoke the destroying of such documents according to the plea agreement.

The DNC Email leak has been widely unavailable returning an internal server error since at least 2023. WL has had numerous server issues over the years - this is nothing new.

(Lots of people also conflating the DNC leak with the Clinton Email leak; these are two separate things.) Let's normalize to always check official sources.

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