Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-06 04:34:48
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Jeff Swann on Nostr: Idk, I think being on the recieving end of these rather constant social attacks makes ...

Idk, I think being on the recieving end of these rather constant social attacks makes us stronger & more aware of who we really are, while the rest become soft & actually completely lose who they are without the context & support of their social group. It's like an anti-fragility thing. I don't think playing the collectivist game really makes us stronger.

I think tools for better coordination are critically important (bitcoin, nostr, keet, etc) & the others mostly just trade genuine coordination for mindless following & group think. One is empowering & the other is disempowering. You can be destructive with mindless collectivism & that can appear powerful in a way, but it really isn't. Real power is productive.
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