Why Nostr?What is Njump?
jb55 /
2024-04-18 16:29:56
in reply to nevent1q…mmum

jb55 on Nostr: It just made sense to use deschash because when you’re fetching the invoice you can ...

It just made sense to use deschash because when you’re fetching the invoice you can store the zap request directly in the lightning node (at least with CLN, CLN stores the description when creating deschash invoices). so the zapper implementation is insanely trivial on CLN. I just monitor all paid invoices and create a zap from the data stored on the invoice.

The lnurl implementation just talks from my VPS to my node at home over lightning, via commando/lnsocket with a rune that only has permission to fetch invoices.

So i’m already fetching invoices over lightning (in a non-spec’d) way. Maybe bolt12 would make this slightly better, if damus could fetch this directly from the lightning network instead of relying on the web? http is just so useful and easy for most clients though.
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