Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-27 04:21:00

John Smith on Nostr: Argument for Bitcoin Hubs as Cultural P2P Points Over Internet-Based Trust: A Short ...

Argument for Bitcoin Hubs as Cultural P2P Points Over Internet-Based Trust:

A Short 🧵:

1. Enhanced Trust through Personal Interactions:

It's significantly enhancing trust compared to online platforms. Personal connections inherently carry more weight and credibility than online avatars and pseudonymous handles. People become disillusioned with the manipulative SM.

2. Better Coordination and Communication

A physical space where like-minded individuals can gather to discuss, plan, and execute initiatives. This physical proximity enhances collaboration and reduces the risks associated with miscommunication and coordination issues.

3. Reduced Influence of Online Gatekeepers

These can wield disproportionate power over the community, often steering discourse and development in self-serving directions. By shifting the locus of trust and interaction to physical Hubs, the community can democratize influence.

4. Mitigating the Risks of Social Media Algorithms

No need to expand on this.

5. Navigating KYC and Regulatory Challenges

As Bitcoin liquidity flows through KYC-compliant channels, Hubs can guide users on maintaining privacy and sovereignty.

6. Cost and Proof of Work in Real-life Meetups

Disrupting real-life meetups involves a tangible cost and effort, akin to PoW. This contrasts with the low-cost disruption possible online, ensuring that only those genuinely invested in the community participate meaningfully.

7. Bitcoin Hubs & Network Effects:

Follow the planb.network to see it for yourself

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