Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-10 19:29:25

TechPostsFromX on Nostr: Honestly. The Agile methods can be boiled down to this: 1. Work in short cycles. 2. ...

Honestly. The Agile methods can be boiled down to this:

1. Work in short cycles.
2. Measure what happens.
3. Adapt.

If you don't find story points helpful, don't use story points.
If daily scrums are getting in the way, don't do daily scrums.
If the cycle is too long, shorten the cycle.
If the cycle is too short, lengthen the cycle.

Amplify the things that work.
Change the things that don't.

And, for God's sake, stop all the bellyaching.

Source: x.com/unclebobmartin/status/1799798345763807253
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