Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-08 00:43:17
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Jeff Swann on Nostr: Yes, I was making light of a truly disgusting situation. If you don't learn to laugh ...

Yes, I was making light of a truly disgusting situation. If you don't learn to laugh at clown world you can end up in a very dark place.

I don't think beauty pageants are often populated by people of particularly high confidence. And if they were they wouldn't all be lying to a 300lb woman to make themselves feel better.

What she has is metabolic dysfuction & a bunch of people telling her it's great. And if she also thinks it's great then where does that lead?

Being "nice" in the short term is easier on you, but it contributes to the destruction of the people you are lying to. It is the most cowardly people who tell the most white lies. If she was standing right in front of me I would tell her she is overwheight & that it's not beautiful at all. And that the emptiest sort of win anyone could ever experience is a "win" they secretly know they didn't earn. I would tell her that she is surrounded by horrible people who would clearly prefer to humiliate her than to help her. And I would offer dietary advice if she wanted it.

If you are more bothered by my words than by what is going on in that picture, then idk what to tell you.
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