Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-26 04:39:27
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Jason Hodlers on Nostr: Yep. The halving happens a little less than every 4 years. If Satoshi had started ...


The halving happens a little less than every 4 years. If Satoshi had started Bitcoin a little more than a month later, like in mid-February 2009, then with all else being equal, the first halving would've happened in early 2013. And gradually, the halving dates will continue to drift earlier and earlier in the year, until eventually one of the halvings will no longer happen in a US presidential election year.

But by then, Bitcoin will have leveraged that impeccable timing towards its own hyperbitcoinization, and won't need that kind of timing anymore.

Indeed, there are no coincidences.
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