Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-10 20:25:24

TechPostsFromX on Nostr: Continuous ”re-forcasting” (or re-estimation) is rework waste (muda). It’s very ...

Continuous ”re-forcasting” (or re-estimation) is rework waste (muda). It’s very expensive—a 3x hit. You waste time on the initial incorrect estimate, then waste time on the re-estimate (which is, most likely, also incorrect) and then waste time on the opportunity cost (things that you could have been doing other than creating incorrect estimates). And “progress” towards what, exactly. We learn as we work by getting feedback after every tiny release. Ignore that feedback at your peril. There is no benefit in defining success as ”progress” towards a goal set before you got that feedback. Same with “on time.” Creating something nobody wants “on time” (and “within budget”) benefits nobody.

Source: x.com/allenholub/status/1798793556842119494
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