Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-23 16:12:25

Han Shan on Nostr: Its an interesting psychological trait of human that we trust those sources that ...

Its an interesting psychological trait of human that we trust those sources that repeat our established beliefs back to us.

In this case bitcoin maxis trust other maxis simply because theu repeat established doctrine.
it matters not at all that the doctrine has not been investigated and found to be substantiated by evidence.

simply repeating it is enough.

in contrast, *different* views are considered suspicious and must meet some arbitrary evidentiary qualifications. despite the fact the already established ideas never met ANY evidence and were simply deemed to be trustworthy becasue trusted sources repeated them enough.

people are weird.
Dude let's not pretend you or any bitcoiner combed thru a billion+ bitcoin transactions and made sure all input/outputs were good. You don't do that to all new transactions every ten minutes either.

You just run a node and pay zero attention like any Monero user

"But bro three people on the planet actually do that" So now you're trusting others to do it for you and be honest if they find it and not exploit it? What was the point of running a node then?

Yall make no sense
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