Why Nostr?What is Njump?
TheGuySwann / Guy Swann
2024-05-01 15:14:58
in reply to nevent1q…k4hw

TheGuySwann on Nostr: I don’t notice any significant difference. In fact I had edited and/or finished ...

I don’t notice any significant difference. In fact I had edited and/or finished recording a podcast on the SM7B and switched to the MV7 and it wasn’t noticeable unless you were REEAALLY paying attention to the audio.

The one recurring difference is honestly that my XLR cable in my stand has some connection issues (or maybe it’s my interface, not certain) and so it pops and breaks up sometimes. Frustrating enough that I think I’ll be switching back to the MV7 until I figure it out. Sucks because I do like my SM7B a lot.
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