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My values (incomplete): lo-fi/lo-resource hedonism, appreciation of the wonderful weirdness of the physical world, ..

Just started trying out nostr (oct 2023). Also active on scuttlebutt/SSB. Interests: Linux, sustainability, sortition as political instrument, opensource hardware, Bitcoin, ...

Current favorite idea: the world (as in: the sum of all things created by humans) is too complex, as in: more complex than ordinary people need. Ordinary people don't have the time and mental resources to understand an overly complex world.
The result is that ordinary people increasingly are unable to make decisions about their lives that actually benefit themselves anymore. In the end, excess complexity benefits mostly the big players/businesses/organisations.

To some degree, excess complexity is an intentional strategy of big business. The higher the complexity, the bigger the space for a powerful organisation to find a quirky way of gaming the system for their benefit .. to the detriment of the ordinary people, who _cannot_ game the system. So we need to make societal systems less complex, so that people _can_ make decisions that are good for themselves.

If most people cannot understand the world, they are bound to lose. In the end this leads to instable societies and to hatred and violence.
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