Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-01-27 16:12:57

BTCtoOblivion on Nostr: Hello umbrel mynodebtc Parman - Activate OP_GFY now!! folks, Can you guys make it ...

Hello folks,

Can you guys make it somehow easy for plebs like myself to run Bitcoin Knots in your OS so, people can run it with minimal effort? I would suggest coordinating with people like , , if you have any questions about code itself. took this request very seriously and they already started working on it.

I believe that this step could be very important for overall health of the #bitcoin network. Since a lot of your customers are self-sovereign bitcoiners, you may want to think about them and make this as easy and accessible as possible.

, , , , , , Would anyone of you mind doing one short video on YouTube and Nostr about the importance of running this version instead of original bitcoin core? I think your videos will definitely clear lot of confusion around this and it will also help spreading the awareness. I am aware that Knots is not magic solution but I think it's one step in the right direction.

Let's just try our best to make sure node runners don't struggle to run their own nodes since validating spam is quiet resource intensive.

Currently only 0.37% of total nodes is running Bitcoin Knots nodes and I think with the help of some of the people I tagged here, we can take this percentage way higher.


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