Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-23 22:23:39

Han Shan on Nostr: Its perfectly normal to place trust in 3rd parties. nobody has the time to become an ...

Its perfectly normal to place trust in 3rd parties. nobody has the time to become an expert in everything and then personally audit all this stuff.

A big part of learning is ADMITTING WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW.

Its fine (ie, reasonable to me) to *trust* the ECDSA implementation in bitcoin. Obviously I do it too.

But it's retarted to trust ECDSA (without reflection or understanding) but then refuse to examine *other* well-established cryptographic primitives.
because reasons.

usually those reasons are "Team Bitcoin doesn't approve of those specific cryptographic primitives and Im a good team player. Look at my cool laser eyes."

You don't understand Pedersen commitments or know what zero-knowledge proofs are? You don't trust me when I say their probably *at-least* as reliable as the ECDSA sceme you're ALREADY trusting?

Fine, just say "i don't know or care and Im not going to look into it." At least that's intellectually honest.

Or just "I'm a moron and I trust what a block explorer tells me."

Everybody has to eventually place trust somewhere. But that doesn't mean you should shave your head and join the cult.

The absolute state of the bitcoin community

That would be intellectually inconsistent except I never complained about zk proofs. I don’t even know what that is lmao all I’ve said so far is that I’ve seen my tx inputs and outputs balance out. I have firsthand experience of supply soundness in Bitcoin with my transactions. Anyone could also just do a simple sum of all the addresses in bitcoin at any time. I can’t do that with monero. There is no need to check every single transaction when you can just sum the total supply at any given moment.

So is not technically wrong when he says that monero zero proofs or whatever requires you to trust that it works. And you can argue that other cryptographic properties in bitcoin require trust too. And that’s correct but that trust is not built on my understanding of complex software. It’s built on time and actual firsthand experience. I understand how they work and trust it because it has earned my trust. No amount of firsthand experience can change the supply soundness flaw in monero. And average sheeple are not going to magically start giving a shit about their privacy anytime soon. So I’ll take the supply soundness and practice privacy using tools like pay join and ecash.
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