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NostReport / The Nostr Report
2023-09-07 15:10:22

NostReport on Nostr: THE NOSTR REPORT NOSTR IS NOT A BITCOIN PROTOCOL Sep 7, 2023 Block Height: 806,599 ...


Sep 7, 2023
Block Height: 806,599
Moscow Time: 38:99 ⚡/ $
V4V: 15 zaps 2,486⚡
Top Zapper: Dawn (npub1cgc…2ndy) (1,000⚡)
Nostr Report is committed to V4V, thank you to our supporters.
🎙️Quote of the Day🎙️
jack (npub1sg6…f63m)

🚨Headline Nostr News🚨
miljan (npub16c0…6nvr) offers some reflection from the Primal stance, welcoming feedback and criticism to incentivize it to become a better client. https://habla.news/u/[email protected]/1693416828339
Dust has finally settled on the “Primal censorship” drama. That’s good to see, but I don’t want to sweep this episode under the rug. It is probably appropriate to do a post mortem, assess what has happened and see what we can learn. Let’s make sure that Nostr is a better place after this episode.

Two weeks ago, Primal’s trending algorithm was attacked by bots. The attacker generated hundreds of thousands of reactions, propping his note to the top of our trending feed. At the time, our only defence was a simple “can’t trend” list, so we put the attacker on it. He immediately posted on Nostr, accusing us of censorship, but his note never took off. The attacker then selected a few well liked Nostr accounts and started stuffing the ballot box for them. We saw a bunch of bogus notes with massive bot engagement, so we resorted to the only blunt tool we had. The attacker jumped on the opportunity to publicize the fact that some well liked accounts were being suppressed on Primal and accused us of “shadowbanning”. The whole thing exploded on Nostr.

What followed was a pretty tough week for Primal. Many of our users turned against us. They took the idea of shadowbanning seriously, as they should. Most feedback was in good spirits, people making fun of Primal via memes. But we also got a fair bit of hate from complete strangers, which was super-weird. All in all, Nostr users were clear about what they think of censorship. This was the Nostr immune system reacting. Being on the receiving end of it really sucked, but still it’s beautiful to see!

The crazy part is that those “shadowbanned” accounts were actually perfectly visible throughout the entire Primal site. They had *exactly* the same level of visibility as they do on Damus, Snort, Coracle, and other Nostr clients. They just couldn’t show up in our trending bar. I tried to explain, but there was little room for nuance with the drama in full swing.

So we decided to disengage temporarily, focus on building, and let our product do the talking. We made our trending algorithm more resistant to bots and removed everyone from the “can’t trend” list. We also built a new content moderation system for Nostr, giving complete control to the user. This is our best take on how to do content moderation on such a radically open network. I cover the features and our reasoning in my blog post below.

So Primal is strictly a better product after this episode. But what about Nostr itself?

Attacks can be useful. While they disrupt our systems and really suck for us and our users, they do force us to improve and become more competent at operating in an adversarial environment. However, we should be careful about making it socially acceptable for Nostr devs to attack other projects in broad daylight. That’s not the most productive way to collaborate. It also creates weird vibes which I think we don’t want here. Nostr is in its infancy and the way we act will set the tone for things to come. There is so much to build and we are all working as fast as we can. At Primal we build open source software and run services for Nostr. If you don’t like the way something works, fork it and do your own thing. If you want to contribute, we accept PRs. If you have found a vulnerability, there are multiple good ways to disclose it.

As for Nostr users, I think you all reacted perfectly. Push back hard at any whiff of censorship. When in doubt, mercilessly create memes, point out things that are wrong, and don’t let up. Even if the target is Primal.

If Primal is real, it can stand the pressure. 🤙💜

https://habla.news/u/[email protected]/1693416828339

bitcoinekasi (npub1zkr…k6ec) reflects on two years of building a circular #bitcoin economy in the townships outside Mossel Bay, in South Africa. "Does #bitcoin belong here? I recognize it is not for everyone. It is for anyone. Anyone can choose to adopt it. But it is a choice some will inevitably choose not to make." Read the full post in the linked note.
This is where we're building a circular Bitcoin economy. The townships outside Mossel Bay.

Does #Bitcoin belong here?

I recognize that Bitcoin is not for everyone.

It is for anyone. Anyone can choose to adopt it. But it is a choice some will inevitably choose not to make.

Does it belong where the unemployment rate is sky high, 40 - 60%, where people live without basics like running water and where you wouldn't expect people to be interested in (or capable of) saving?

It is a question we intend to answer with practical experience. Boots on the ground and in the mud.

And, so far, after two years of running this experiment, it's clear that there's a need for something that gives anyone that choice.

That's the beauty, anyone can make that choice. There's never been anything else quite like it.

MaxDeMarco (npub1lel…kvyz) needs your help! He’ll be filming 3 documentaries in Japan 🇯🇵 starting in October and needs some local expertise. Reach out if you or someone you know can help 🔥
I'll be in Japan for 4 weeks starting mid October. I am working on three MASSIVE projects: #bitcoin #nostr & #nuclearenergy documentaries

I am looking for locals who want to be part of the production and help out!

Any help highly appreciated 🧡

Mutiny Wallet (npub1mut…23vg) adds new Nostr features. See who’s zapping who with the new live zap feed, inspired by zaplife.lol. Also import your #Nostr follows as your contact list in your wallet.
Big news! Thanks to a grant from OpenSats (npub10pe…n34f) , we're adding some more Nostr features to Mutiny Wallet! First up: a live Zaps Feed to see who your friends are zapping.

Having a different contact list for payments app is annoying and lame. With Mutiny Wallet you can now just import your nostr follows as contacts. All you need is an npub. It's easy to use and there's zero lock-in. Protocols not platforms!

The Zaps Feed, inspired by PABLOF7z (npub1l2v…ajft) with ZapLife.lol, shows you who your friends are zapping and who is zapping them. It's like Venmo's social payments but with a nostr twist. Learn more about it here: https://blog.mutinywallet.com/nostr-contacts-and-zap-feed

Big thanks to primal (npub12vk…pugg) for adding a `zaps_feed` to their API. We're now running our own Primal server to keep things decentralized: https://primal-cache.mutinywallet.com/api

These new features complement some of the existing integrations we have like Nostr Wallet Connect. This allows for payment requests to show up right inside your wallet for you to approve.

We're far from done! Stay tuned for non-custodial zap receives and new NWC features like budgeting. Try the Zaps Feed on Mutiny Wallet now and share your thoughts!

The web version of the wallet is at https://app.mutinywallet.com - if you already have it installed as a Progressive Web App, just close and refresh! The android version is located here: https://github.com/MutinyWallet/mutiny-web/releases/tag/v0.4.16

Join elidy (npub1a7n…vfnu) and manlikekweks (npub1fnn…4xnx) on Nostr Nests at 1pm UTC today as they discuss how #Nostr is changing music. Elidy will share the link a few minutes before it starts.
we're talking music thenostrworld (npub1nst…rg5l)
with manlikekweks (npub1fnn…4xnx)

Join the nostrnest
Tomorrow, Thur Sept 7 @ 1pm UTC

#Nostr is changing #music...
- How is music different on nostr?
- How can you create music on nostr?
- How are ⚡️zaps contributing to a value4value culture for creatives?
- How are we integrating music for #nostrasia?

I'll share the link a few minutes before starting, as a comment on this note.

Fabian (npub1n0s…lahe) watch this video to see what Nostur is doing against impersonator accounts. 🕵️‍♂️
Video showing what it looks like in Nostur when a #[0] impersonator tries to send you a message:

AviBurra (npub1hqa…t56s) Released chapter 24 and the epilogue to his book "24" https://www.casanostra.ink/24-chapter-24-home/
And the Epilogue: exactly who he needs to be

https://www.casanostra.ink/24-epilogue/ note1pxe…m9as

Gigi ⚡🧡 (npub1der…xzpc) Shares his thoughts on the Sovereign Engineering (npub1s0v…rmq5) Cohort - an event put on by PABLOF7z (npub1l2v…ajft) and Gigi ⚡🧡 (npub1der…xzpc) in Madeira, *Portugal (correction from yesterday). Jan 8 - Mar 1. Check it out and apply at https://sovereignengineering.io/
To say that I'm excited about this would be an understatement.

PABLOF7z (npub1l2v…ajft) is obviously a legend, and my hope is that we'll manage to attract people like him: high spirits, pragmatic, optimistic, competent, technical, and not naive. Many things need fixing, and we need an army of people to fix them. But we have to do it right. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. We must not lose sight of the principles that make #bitcoin and #nostr great in the first place.

The beauty of the orange coin and the purple nostrich is that they allow the building of things previously thought impossible. We see inklings of this already: streaming money, zaps, self-sovereign identity, lightning prisms, unconfiscatable wealth, timelocks, and more. I'm sure there's a multitude of things that we can't even think of yet. Things that will be obvious in hindsight. The goal of the Sovereign Engineering Cohort is to collaboratively dig for these things and figure out how to make them work for the long term. Explore the open seas that cryptosovereignty opens up. Without hubris. Without nostalgia. But with plenty of optimism and an eagerness to build towards a better future.

We haven't figured out all the details yet, but we're getting there. We'll share more updates as we move along. "Build the tools. Ship the future." That's the over-arching theme, with self-sovereignty at the center.

If all that sounds interesting to you, consider coming to Madeira to spend two months with a bunch of psychopaths (us).


💻nostr Tech💻
melvincarvalho (npub1mel…5c24) Check out Rabbit, a #Nostr web client. 🐰
Rabbit looking good


brugeman (npub1xdt…ntxy) adds NWC Nip-47 to the Spring Nostr Browser v0.1.4 👉⚡️
Spring nostr browser v0.1.4 adds Wallet Connect!

Connect your Alby to Spring, and get 1-2 click zaps in web nostr apps on Android. I've been one-click zapping my feed all day with Snort today, much fun!

You will see a payment request confirmation screen when some app wants to send a payment, and you can 'remember' your choice to suppress further confirms for this app.

Payments >=10k sats are always confirmed. Setting a budget isn't there yet, but since every payment shows a notification toast you'll notice if some app misbehaves.

Any non-nostr web-app with WebLN support should also be able to send payments, although we haven't tested it.

Connect with Mutiny wallet is also supported, payments go through, but we're not getting replies on time. We're sorting this through, stay tuned!

The wallet management UI is very basic, it will get better, we just wanted to start one-click-zapping asap!

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nostr.universe
APK: https://github.com/nostrband/nostr-universe/releases/download/v0.1.4/spring-nostr-browser-v0.1.4.apk

Have fun!

No Bullshit Dan (npub1hxj…agw3) Check out npub1m0str0n64lfulw5j6arrak75uvajj60kr024f5m6c4hsxtsnx4dqpd9ape (npub1m0s…9ape) v0.8.0, a p2p Lightning exchange platform on Nostr, developed by the creators of LNp2pBot. https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/mostro-v0-8-0/
Mostro v0.8.0 Released

Mostro is a Lightning Network peer-to-peer exchange platform on Nostr, developed by the creators of LNp2pBot.


Kieran (npub1v0l…qj49) added more languages support zap.stream (npub1eaz…rcgz)
Check translation progress at: https://crowdin.com/project/zapstream
Added some more languages to zap.stream (npub1eaz…rcgz)

Thanks again to the translators, you can check translation progress here: https://crowdin.com/project/zapstream

vexl (npub1mft…rkl3) announces that on Saturday Sept 9th, only the new version of Vexl will be available. You can download the app using this link: https://t.co/X4PxABUI3I
Hey guys!

This is the last call for those who are still using the old app. Finish your deals, delete your offers and your account!

From Saturday 9.9 only new version of Vexl will be available. You can download the app using this link:


rob (npub1uap…9pmv) shows improvements coming to note reactions on Damus.

Improving the way to react to a note 🤙🏽💜👀⚡️😍🫂 Suhail (npub1k92…gfwd) elsat (npub1zaf…26k5) vrod (npub1h50…rqev) jb55 (npub1xts…kk5s)

Fabian (npub1n0s…lahe) Nostur TestFlight update adds fixes and improvements, and a new feature called “Hot Feed” to show posts liked by people you follow.
#Nostur update (TestFlight)

- Added Hot feed: show posts most liked by people you follow
- Added block person to DM context menu
- Added toggle to temporarily show DMs outside your Web of Trust
- Fixed issue with DMs not loading if WoT is empty
- Fixed own sent DM showing as +1 unread
- Fixed video muting issue

TestFlight: https://nostur.com/testflight
Source code: https://nostur.com/source

nostr.build (npub1nxy…avr7) details recent improvements to the media hosting service to increase speed and performance.
If you’ve noticed nostr.build media loading faster, it’s because it is!
We’ve just made some pretty big changes behind the scenes:
- Migrated ALL media from the AWS S3 to Cloudflare. This will reduce overall cost and data-out, and consolidate with the CDN.
- Migrated from Bunny.net CDN to Cloudflare CDN. This will reduce CDN costs, provide more locations and a much faster global network.
This also should allow access in Iran, and other countries where Bunny.net was banned..
- CSAM filter and reporting to NCMEC. Cloudflare has a scanning tool we are using. This is the only algorithm nostr.build uses for good reason.
- A new naming convention for links. We’ve removed all /directories with new links now looking like the below:
Free uploads:
- Added your pfp in the main page menu bar for account holders

thebullishbitcoiner (npub15yp…mpcx) Nostr Stats adds PWA support. Add it to your Home Screen.
Nostr Stats v0.0.19 adds PWA support! Let’s see it on your home screens. 🤙

#grownostr #nostr #plebchain


siamstr.com BOT (npub1tr6…06fl) introduces Siamstr Nostr address service.
สวัสดียามเช้าครับชาว #Siamstr
สำหรับใครที่กำลังหา Nips-05 verify หรือว่าตัวเช็คยืนยันตัวตน
ตอนนี้เรามี www.siamstr.com เพื่อใช้ชาว #ThaiNostrich และทุกคนทั่วโลก
สามารถลงทะเบียน npub ไว้ และรับ [email protected] ไปติดหลังชื่อเราได้ฟรี ๆ
และยังสามารถเลือกได้ว่าจะใช้ที่อยู่นี้เชื่อมกับ LNURL เพื่อรับ Zaps ผ่าน [email protected] ได้อีกด้วย

⚡nostr Business⚡
No Bullshit Dan (npub1hxj…agw3) FASB Votes To Introduce New Fair Value Accounting Rules For #Bitcoin
FASB Votes To Introduce New Fair Value Accounting Rules For Bitcoin

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) unanimously voted to approve long-awaited accounting rules for bitcoin and other digital assets. New rules will require fair value measurement - aka highs and lows. Expected publication date is by the end of the year.


mcshane (npub16vr…p2va) #Nostrasia organizers are looking for speakers and workshop leaders for Tokyo and Hong Kong, Nov. 1-3.
#Nostrasia needs you!

If you‘d like to speak or give a workshop at Tokyo or Hong Kong Nov 1-3 shoot me a DM ⚡️

We‘d love to have you!

Luke Dashjr (npub1lh2…a9nk) is hiring a full time lightning protocol developer for a #bitcoin project he’s working on. See linked note for details.
Something big I'm working on for #Bitcoin also needs a full time #Lightning protocol developer.

Please reach out privately if you're interested. 😄


CarlBMenger (npub10wv…v22x) gives a brief overview of what would happen if attempts were made to raise #bitcoin ‘s 21 million supply limit.
Can #Bitcoin 's hard cap of 21 million be changed?

Some #Bitcoin  critics recently claimed that since Bitcoin is nothing but software, the rules of the Bitcoin network can be "easily" changed, especially regarding the 21 million hard cap, since it is "only" two lines of code.

Let’s have a deeper look on how to theoretically change #Bitcoin ‘s 21 million limit 👇

First, developers would have to make a proposal and then write the code to implement this change. There would be a community discussion, which would probably be controversial. If these changes are accepted by the developers, they would be integrated into Bitcoin Core.

Next, the community would have to agree to an activation path to ensure that the network is collectively converted to the new rules.

A change to the supply cap would require a HARD FORK, meaning that all nodes on the network would have to adopt the changes or be forced off the network.

As part of the activation path, both miners and nodes would signal their support for the change, and once a dominant part of the network signals support, the change would be activated.

Nodes and miners that rejected the change would retain the original #Bitcoin  network, and the two networks would compete for market share and hash rate.

And no, this would not be the first hard fork. In fact, #Bitcoin  hard forks are part of history, with Bitcoin Cash being the most recent example.

In response to the Blocksize War, some Bitcoin developers and users decided to initiate a Hard Fork to avoid the associated protocol updates. Bitcoin Cash was the result of this hard fork. It split from the main blockchain in August 2017 when Bitcoin Cash wallets rejected Bitcoin transactions and blocks.

Bitcoin Cash remains the most successful hard fork, having lost more than 90% of its value against #Bitcoin .

I invite all doubters to try to raise #Bitcoin 's 21 million hard cap, because in the end it's all FUD spread by people who either don't know any better or who want to cheat you out of your hard capped #Bitcoin .

Alby (npub1get…0nfm) Join the Alby community call today to give your feedback and meet their team. Details in the linked note.
Hi all!

Got any feedback to Alby?
Want to suggest a feature?
Report a bug?
Get fresh updates?
Hang out with our team?

These are our two favorite options:

Join our Telegram group to discuss with other users & builders via text https://t.me/getalby

Watch demos of new tools, talk with us live and come closer to the Alby ecosystem https://communitycall.getalby.com

We do it every second Thursday at 3pm, so... today!

Join one or both!

nielliesmons (npub149p…722q) What do you think of this redesign of the #Amethyst logo?

Professional apps need professional logo's.

Current Amethyst logo:
- has the wrong colors
- the eye is not part of the compound path
- lacks alignment
- the A is hard to recognize

Redesign I did a while back:

No pressure though Vitor Pamplona (npub1gcx…nj5z) 😉

#nostrdesign #logo

🔥🔥Meme of the Day🔥🔥
LynAlden (npub1a2c…w83a) This is not a #bitcoin book…
Broken Money is basically like:

Stay Classy, Nostr.
Author Public Key