Why Nostr?What is Njump?
tyiu / Terry Yiu
2023-12-24 16:40:09

tyiu on Nostr: One year ago, I discovered #Nostr and it’s been a life changing journey ever since. ...

One year ago, I discovered #Nostr and it’s been a life changing journey ever since. Met so many incredible human beings online and in-person from all over the world who value ideas of not just decentralization and anti-censorship, but also building communities, technology, and a whole myriad of other interests.

Nostr has given me a new purpose that I had not known before. Within two days of the discovery, I submitted my first pull request to Damus, which felt exhilarating to contribute to open source freedom tech that jb55 (npub1xts…kk5s) started. A month later, Damus became the first ever multilingual Nostr client, supporting English and Spanish with help from ⚡₿it₿y₿it⚡ (npub1luh…q903) (and now in 26 languages thanks to our ~50 other translators), and the first Nostr client to integrate automatic machine translated notes into the reader’s preferred language, unlocking further global adoption, social networking, and publishing on this protocol as other clients quickly did the same. Half a year in, Nostr SDK for Apple Platforms kicked off with montzstar (npub1qlk…yayc) and klabo (npub19a8…2ckt) with a boost from OpenSats (npub10pe…n34f) with the goal was enabling developers to build Nostr clients on iOS, macOS, and other Apple platforms quicker and easier with this library.

We have a vast choice of clients and relays now built by talented builders and supported by this amazing community, that fulfill a whole bunch of use cases, and there’s so much more to do. I’m excited to see what we do in the next year.

I’m thankful for you all. Happy holidays, everyone!
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